Cimmerian Battle-Axe (Level 36): 91.2 DPS, 57 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Ancient Khopesh (Level 31): 121.6 DPS, 76 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Longsword (Level 30): 96 DPS, 60 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Cutlass (Level 28): 72 DPS, 45 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Falcata (Level 26): 68.8 DPS, 43 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Stygian Khopesh (Level 20): 68.8 DPS, 43 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Iron Broadsword (Level 12): 72 DPS, 45 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.Stone Sword (Level 3): 48 DPS, 30 Damage, 1.6 attacks per second.220 DurabilityĪll swords attacks a cone sized area in front of it, making it good at killing multiple enemies at a time Steel Pickaxe (Level 45): 45.6 DPS, 38 Damage, 1.2 attacks per second.Steel Pick/Hatchet (Level 30): 45.6 DPS, 38 Damage, 1.2 attacks per second.Iron Pick/Hatchet (Level 10): 33.6 DPS, 28 Damage, 1.2 attacks per second.

Stone Pick/Hatchet (Lvl 1/2): 22.8 DPS, 19 Damage, 1.2 attacks per second.Fists (Level – CONAN): 37.8 DPS, 21 Damage, 1.8 attacks per second.Fists (Level – Puny Exile): 25.2 DPS, 14 Damage, 1.8 attacks per second.This test were made by Ralathar44 and posted on reddit. Then the number were multiplied with the attack number of the weapon given for each weapon. Tested with stopwatch, 3 times to get the damage per second (DPS).